Announcing the release of the Ubuntu Documentation Style Guide

custom at custom at
Fri Sep 2 04:03:28 UTC 2005

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Hello Jerome,

Thursday, September 1, 2005, 5:28:16 PM, you wrote:

JG> The Ubuntu Documentation Project (UDP) is proud to announce the
JG> release of version 1.0 of the Ubuntu Documentation Style Guide.

Wonderful!!  Very clearly worded and useful document, not just for Ubuntu but also for
technical writing in general!

One question though, it does not address the formatting of the text,
is that addressed separately? For example it seems de guideline is to
use very basic HTML formatting, allowing for easy reflowing of text on
any display size. (So any tags that would obstruct free reflowing of
text should likely be avoided). Also is there a list of format styles
/ tags that can be used? Say to limit header levels only only up to x
levels?   And guidlines on the format and size of screen shots and other
graphics?  Use of internal and external URLs and other references?

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