DebianTux23 has invited you to try Google Talk.

Benjamin Zeller zeller at
Thu Sep 1 09:28:27 UTC 2005

On Thursday 01 September 2005 01:59, earobinson wrote:
> xequence Wrote: 
> > Wow, all the people who are guests =O
> > 
> > It seems to install good on wine but when you start it up it flashes
> > for half a second and goes away.
> true but you can connect in gaim
Indeed you can, but who wants Google Talk, if there's Jabber itself? 
Everybody's shouting "Yeah, Google Talk rocks, it uses Jabber-Protocol". But 
did one of you try one of the most significant features of jabber? 
Interconnection between Jabber-Servers, which is really overwhelming.
Well, I did, and guess what:

It doesn't work.

So Google Talk's out for me.



Benjamin Zeller
Ing.-Büro Hohmann
Bahnhofstr. 34
D-82515 Wolfratshausen

Tel.:  +49 (0)8171 347 88 12
Mobil: +49 (0)160 99 11 55 23
Fax:   +49 (0)8171 910 778
mailto: zeller at
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