partiton information

rpowersau at rpowersau at
Thu Sep 1 08:20:32 UTC 2005

On 9/1/05, Hal Rider <hrubuntu at> wrote:
> so basically I am booting the second drive from the bios so grub didn;t
> destroy the windows disc mbr and I can just swapthe bios booting without
> having to get inside my machine and leaves things nicely alone so I can
> just swap the discs when I do change over cleanly. On the disc with the
> ubuntu install is also a fat32 partition that I would like to mount to
> write files too to share with windows in the interim.
> so basically just want the partitions name and how to mount it read/write.

You need to mount the drive. 

A simple test is to create a directory in your home directory:

>From the command line type:

mkdir ./mnt

then try to mount the drive, type at the command line:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 ./mnt

You ned to know what the device number is. Try /dev/hda1 or 2 or
/dev/hdb1 or 2 in the above.

If that all works and you want it to be mounted automagically at start
up, create a mount point for the device. From the command line type:

sudo mkdir /mnt/what_ever_name_you_want

Then edit your fstab file:

sudo gedit /etc/fstab

and put in a line like this:

/dev/hda2       /mnt/what_ever_name_you_want          vfat    defaults
       0       2

man fstab and man mount are very helpful.

> cheers Haldor
> --
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