Changing the helpers for Firfox

stan stanb at
Mon Oct 31 11:32:19 UTC 2005

On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 05:52:09PM +1300, David A' Rebel wrote:
> About Mon, 31 Oct 2005 17:10 David Strauss wibbled about Re: Changing the 
> helpers for Firfox :
> >
> > >
> > > Is that done in Firefox? I can seem to find the right menu for that.
> >
> > Is Edit > Preferences and Downloads > File Types what you're looking
> > for?
> >
>  That will only work if you have ticked the always use for this type of file. 
> You can then take out the default one and choose another, when you click on 
> the file. I've not seen mplayer try to open a true realplayer stream without 
> asking first though, so I'm guessing that for some reason the realplayer 
> plugins weren't installed properly. How did you install realplayer, I realise 
> I should have asked this earlier. Personally I found that by far the easiest 
> way was to download the rpm from Real and use alien to install it.
I downloaded the (version 10) tfz, untared it and ran the installer. I set
it up in my directory tree, not globaly.

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