ubuntu doesn't shut down

Sarangan Thuraisingham sarangan.thuraisingham at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 00:27:48 UTC 2005

renaaj at optonline.net wrote:
>>renaaj at optonline.net wrote:
>>| Anyone have an idea on this?  I installed ubuntu again and
>>| yet again the act of selecting shutdown from ubuntu (1)
>>| doesn't power down the laptop, (2) it renders the laptop's
>>| power button useless, and (3) I have to take the battery of
>>| the laptop in order to turn it off.
>>Are you holding the power button down for eight seconds?
> i didn't expect a repsonse like that.  Yes it did work when I tried your suggestion, but.... does this mean that Ubuntu doesn't have the ability to shut down a computer?  Tell me thats not true.
> rena

I know this has some to do with not having ACPI modules loaded or 
something. I am not an expert, so I am not sure. May be you tell us more 
about your laptop.

Somebody using the same laptop, ought to have come across this problem 
and might know the solution. So you could try 
http://www.linux-laptop.net/ or http://tuxmobil.org/

  - Saru

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