web photo gallery builders in Gnome?

Russell Cook bike_oz at yahoo.com.au
Sat Oct 29 14:08:00 UTC 2005

I don't know about for gnome, but I like "igal". It's command line
driven but very painless.

Here's the command line I use/customis: igal -a -wx 960 --bigy 450 -y
140 --www --title "$SUBDIR"
And a sample:  http://bikes.no-ip.info/NetRides/2004/ByRock/ and a
gallery index at http://bikes.no-ip.info/NetRides/

On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 06:04 -0500, ben miller wrote: 

> In KDE/Konqueror, there's a utility to quickly and easily build web
> photo galleries. Is there a similar tool available in Gnome?
> Thanks,
> Ben

Kind Regards Russell
sales at windsorcycles.com.au
ph. 02 4577 3209
Linux user #369094

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