lspci on dualhead VGA cards

Zoltan Szecsei zoltans at
Thu Oct 27 20:22:24 UTC 2005

Liam Proven wrote:

>On 27/10/05, Zoltan Szecsei <zoltans at> wrote:
>>Liam Proven wrote:
>>Hi Liam,
>>Thanks for this.
>>I want to set up multiple independant users on 1 PC
>My pleasure.
>But.. yikes!
>I have seen a number of such systems before now, usually implemented
>with custom hardware. Now, I suppose, in theory, you could do it with
>several standard video cards and USB cards, but I have to admit I do
>not like the idea. Whereas it might be technically elegant, I can see
>several problems with reliability - not least of which is the issue of
>one user accidentally restarting or shutting down the host PC. This
>used to happen regularly to me back in the days of non-dedicated
>Also, I think it will be fiddly to setup, and fiddly complex setups
>tend in my experience to be unreliable.
>I much prefer the idea of thin client networks, and probably the most
>elegant I've seen is the Ndiyo project with its Nivo
>ultra-thin-clients. NIVO stands for network-in/video-out and the boxes
>are tiny and very cheap.
>Might be worth a look.
>White paper:
>Commercial partner developing the Nivo boxes:
>News story:
>Liam Proven ·
>AOL/AIM/iChat: liamproven at · MSN/Messenger: lproven at
>Yahoo: liamproven at · Skype: liamproven · ICQ: 73187508
>Gmail/Google Talk/Orkut: lproven at
True (ie: possibly finicky), but I'd like to give it a try.
Currently, what I do is have 1 box running the application (ie: license 
thereto) and 1 person sitting at its Mon/Kyb/Mouse. I then have 3 other 
*fully* configured PCs that ssh with X-tunneling into this box and run 
the same application!!! To me, this is a waste of 
[motherboard/cpu/ram/HD/stiffy/CDROM/case] as only X is running and the 
Monitor/Kyb/Mouse is being used.
Obviously (currently) if the twit sitting at the main box reboots or 
screws up, he and the other 3 users all die, so my only (perceived) risk 
is that I now have 4 possible twits that can re-boot or find some 
non-elegant way to create an unscheduled re-boot - buy hey! - I figure 
I'm saving on the cost of 3 PCs, at the expense of wearing out my shoes 
at potentially having to kick 3 extra butts.
I've had a half-hearted look at ltsp, but I'm running graphics intensive 
jobs and dont fancy using old PC boxes acting as X-terminals.

Hope I can get it working!!! (here's to me!! ;-)  )



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