Are there any decent Peer To Peer clients working on Ubuntu

matt nicholson sjoeboo at
Wed Oct 26 16:37:55 UTC 2005

opena  command line and type:

the first question is teh most important, if you leave it 0 (default) 
the gift daemon will never run. also, when it asks about the plugins, 
make sure to include Gnutella if you want that, otherwise only the 
OpenFT network will be used. after that, giFTui or gifToxic should work 
fine. i think one of them will start teh daemon (giftd) if it needs to 
be, the other wont.

also limewire works fine and so does DC++.

Dave M G wrote:

>Ubuntu Users,
>	I have been trying to get giFT to work using giFToxic and giFTui,
>neither of which I can get up and running. What I like about them is the
>possibility of being able to have one P2P client for multiple P2P
>	No other P2P client seems to offer the same potential, and yet no giFT
>client seems to work.
>	Is anyone running giFTui or anything better on Ubuntu. If so, how did
>you get it running? I can't find any decent step by step instructions
>Dave M G

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