Missing: MYBUNTU!

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Wed Oct 26 15:16:39 UTC 2005

hi ther,e

well, just a few days ago I wrote this wiki page:


based partly on the wlug.org.nz article you cite down there. I include
a very rough script that lets me update various versions with justa
couple of ocmmands -- it's ROUGH and you should modify it for your

Hope it helps, though -- am hoping the work I put into this can help
other people to do the samething.

BTW, I've seen traffic on the debian-boot list suggesting developers
would like to find a way to make this process easier.


ps:  the script as it stands still does not generate a list of
necessary .debs from a smaller list of high-level packages like
"ubuntu-desktop", "xubuntu-desktop", "language-support-bn", etc.
It would be nice to add that functionality, but I haven't yet
investigated the "germinate" package which is used by the developers
to build cd's. If anyone wants to add this kind of info to the wiki
page that'd be GREAT.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 08:07:09PM +0700, Ali Milis wrote:
> Well...
> Ubuntu is great! Kubuntu is even better! There also exists
> UbuntuServer, UbuntuEdu, et.al.
> But how about "MyBuntu"; a custom made ISO image with
> all packages that I want, and without all packages that
> I don't?!
> How to start? I still have no idea, since I am not a upper
> level ubuntu Guru :(. I found two interesting articles:
> 1. Hacking the debian-installer ISO image
>    http://people.debian.org/~osamu/hackdi/
> 2. Ubuntu Remastering
>    http://www.wlug.org.nz/UbuntuRemastering
> With those both very usable articles, I managed "to patch"
> an Ubuntu CD ISO Image by deleting/adding packages.
> Unfortunately, I still have no idea on how to automate the
> process; i.e. making an ISO image with my own selected
> packages.
> I tried to trace the debian-installer, but could not find out
> the location of the preseed files. I guess that there are in
> the "initrd" file (?).
> Question: Does anyone have a similar script to build his/her
> own version of "mybuntu" ISO image?
> regards,

Matt Price	    matt.price at utoronto.ca
History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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