Does K3B work properly with 5.10?

Norman Silverstone norman at
Wed Oct 26 07:40:11 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 22:56 +0100, R Kimber wrote:
> I've just used K3B to burn the first iso since upgrading to 5.10 and
> have  received the following output:-


> During the burn K3B indicated that the device buffer appeared to
> be empty, or nearly so, several times.
> Is there a simple way to tell whether the iso was correctly burned?
> And was the updated K3B configured correctly when I upgraded?

I do not know the answer to your question. However, if it is of any help
to you I have just upgraded and K3b is working perfectly. I have tried
burning the iso using K3b and all appears to be OK as long as you do not
use the copy data procedure.


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