Configuring many users for NIS

Robbo ml at
Tue Oct 25 18:50:14 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 18:01 -0400, Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> I probably will soon have to configure a bunch of machines
> to run LDAP or NIS. For the sake of this email, let's assume
> it's NIS. I've done NIS for a few machines before; it
> involves pointing each machine to the same NIS server IP.
> I'd prefer not to have to do this again, and I assume I
> don't have to: there must be a way to configure many
> machines at once to use the same NIS server without manually
> configuring each one, right? What does one do?

If they have a ssh server installed, up and running you could use pssh
(Parallel ssh) or script a simple script to copy the files across using

You might want to look at setting up a repository server so you can
automatically update machines and a method of "pushing" packages to
machines for instant updates, etc etc..  I haven't looked at this my
self so seeing whats best meself...

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