Jean-Eric Cuendet jec at rptec.ch
Tue Oct 25 16:23:53 UTC 2005

 > On di, 2005-10-25 at 16:25 +0200, Jean-Eric wrote:
 >>> In Fedora, the java package installs /etc/profile.d/java.sh which
 >>> contains
 >>>    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/java1.4.2
 > In Ubuntu you don't need JAVA_HOME since the packages install symlinks
 > to java/javac/etc... on the proper places.

AhAh.... OK, I see. This solves at least the java problem. Based on 
alternatives I think.
But that doesn't solve the "How do I add new ENV VAR".
Any idea? .bashrc?

That said, that makes the JVM from sun without a .deb package unusable...

Jean-Eric Cuendet
Riskpro Technologies SA
Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 2, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland
Web       : http://www.rptec.ch
Direct    : +41 21 637 0123
Principal : +41 21 637 0110
Fax       : +41 21 637 0111
Perso     : http://jesc.ch

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