Changing permissions for a group of files via nautilus

David david at
Tue Oct 25 01:31:58 UTC 2005

On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 07:40:47AM -0400, 'Forum Post wrote:
> This is a problem for Nautilus - I'm experiencing the same thing in
> Breezy (was the same in Hoary as far as I can remember).
> You can change permissions on mutliple files in Nautilus, but you can't
> change ownership (even as root).
> The minute you select more than one file in Nautilus, the properties
> page will show the owner as uneditable text, instead the drop-down list
> you get when you select a single file.  This becomes incredibly tedious
> if you have more than a tiny handful of files to update.
> I'll use Alex' technique for my purpose - thanks for that.  Always a
> shame when I have to open a terminal window in Ubuntu though. :( 

Using any linux without at least knowing how to use the terminal is really 
limiting  yourself. There are endless things that you can do on the 
command line that can't be done any other way. 

GUIs are nice and intuitive for one-off jobs that you will never do again, 
but command line is usually faster and way more flexible, especially for 
repetitive tasks.

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