Custom kernel question

Matt Patterson matt at
Mon Oct 24 17:40:25 UTC 2005

Why not download the fully patched ubuntu kernel, then apply the patches 
for win4Lin to it. I believe you can get the patched kernel source from 
synaptic (linux-tree). From there just patch in the extra stuff and 
build as normal. If you have had success building the vanilla kernel 
with patches I dont htink you will have a problem with the ubuntu stuff 

I am making the assumption that madwifi is included with the ubuntu 
kernel. Not sure though.


John Ruschmeyer wrote:

> For a while, I've been building a custom kernel for my system based on 
> the linux-source package with the addition of the patches for Win4Lin 
> 9x support (mki-adapter). Using kernelpackage, I can build an 
> installable kernel and headers which work fine on my desktop system 
> (very mundane hardware).
> For my laptop, though, I also need the madwifi driver which is part of 
> the linux-restricted-modules package and is not part of my custom kernel.
> So, my question is how can I set up a custom kernel which includes a 
> corresponding linux-restrictred-modules?
> Thanks...
> <<<john>>>

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