ROX Desktop

Frank McCormick fmccormick at
Sat Oct 22 22:03:23 UTC 2005

On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 14:42:05 +0530
Santanu Chatterjee <thisissantanu at> wrote:

> Just now I have installed the ROX-Filer and I have also installed the
> ROX Session,
> and I am still installing the other components in the suit. I have
> written a rough
> guide on what steps I followed. I am including it below.
> I hope it will help you. I am using Hoary by the way.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> First of all:
>   sudo aptitude install python-dev
> Then download ROX-All package from this page:
> Then do the following:
>   tar xzf ROX-All-0.3.tgz
>   cd ROX-All-0.3/0launch/Other
>   sudo python install
> This will install 0alias, 0launch, and 0store
> Next:
>   sudo 0alias rox
> This will install the ROX-Filer application which you can run as rox.
> Now run rox as:
>   rox <path to the ROX-All-0.3 folder>
> In the rox filer window that opens up, you will see several application
> icons. These can now be installed just by clicking on them. When clicked,
> the latest version will be downloaded and installed (if not already installed)
> and the application will open. For example, clicking on the Edit icon installed
> the corresponding application in my system. Now, to open any text file, just
> drag n' drop the file's icon to the Edit icon and the Edit application will
> open the text file. Cool!!
> >From here on you can proceed on your own.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

   Works here EXCEPT I get a bunch of errors from gpg when I try to run
rox. I guess this means I have to set up GPG ?? How do I do that = I
have never understood how GPG works but I see it at the end of many of
these messages. Can anyone help??


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