Three Random Simple Questions

Dan Martin volume at
Thu Oct 20 14:53:33 UTC 2005

> Thank you for your responses. I might not have made it clear 
> before that I am a newbie, so while I took the advice as far 
> as I understood it, I did have a hard time processing it.
> 1. Trouble installing themes:
> By looking for theme components I've found some of what I've 
> installed.
> But not all of it. I can't find any reference to any "Thinkeramik"
> files, as icon sets, window borders, or anything. I've double 
> checked to ensure I've installed it, and yet most of the 
> themes and components remain invisible.

I don't know what to say then - I'll try thinkeramik at home tonight.  
> 2. Installing bittorrent gui:
>  "gnome-btdownload" is better than what I was having before, 
> but is still not the desired interface. I was hoping for the 
> official bittorrent client. I went to the web site and tried 
> to download it straight from there, but I ended up with a 
> .deb file that I don't know what to do with. I thought .deb 
> files were like RPMs, in that they were specific to an 
> installer. But I cant determine what that installer is.

Saw in a later email you've figured out how to install this.  By the way,
the x-bittorrent.desktop file means it is probably somewhere in your Gnome
menu now.  x-bittorrent might be the command you use to start it.  If you
"cat /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop" there will be a
command listed somewhere in the file, and that is the command you want if
you are going to run bittorrent from Firefox.
> 3. Getting graphical icons:
>  I have tried to take the advice offered here and see about 
> Nautilus settings, but I can't find anywhere that even 
> mentions Nautilus, let alone lets me make adjustments. And I 
> don't know how "network shares"
> relate to icons, so I'm unsure how to proceed there.
> I did find some "thumbnailer" related packages in Synaptic 
> Package installer, some of which were already installed. I 
> tried switching from "totem" based thumbnailers to "xine" 
> based installers, but this had no effect. Of course, I'm 
> doing a lot of shooting in the dark, so it's no surprise I'm 
> having no results.

Nautilus is the file manager (equivalent of Windows Explorer) use by Gnome,
the app you use to browse the file system folders.  The preferences we spoke
of are found in a menu when you are viewing a file folder.

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