Ubuntu with Bulldog ISP in UK (john levin)

sean at seanmiller.net sean at seanmiller.net
Thu Oct 20 12:42:20 UTC 2005

Dan wrote:

> im currently running gentoo but will be making the switch to ubuntu in
> the next week or so along with a change of ISP
> am planning on going with Bulldog (UK) ADSL service - Speedtouch 330
> modem is provided

then John wrote:

> Also, you do know Bulldog don't have a great reputation, right?
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/09/02/bulldog_probe/

to which Dan replied:

> am with bulldog at the mo - am aware their cust service is non
> existent and theyre not 100% reliable network wise but theyre cheap
> and when its running its running perfectly and thats all im looking
> for really

Are you saying you have Bulldog on Windows but not on Linux, or are you
saying that you have the Alcatel running on Gentoo already? And what's the
change of ISP about if you're already on Bulldog?

I'm confused!

Anyway, there appears to be a "howto" on getting the Alcatel running on
Linux here...


Best of luck :-)


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