Configuring update-manager

Magnus Therning magnus at
Thu Oct 20 12:30:21 UTC 2005

I'm using the update notifier/manager to keep my system up-to-date. At
the moment it seems it isn't quite configured properly.

AFAICS update notifier will update the lists of available packages, but
it won't update the authentication information. E.g. this
morning I had three packages to upgrade. When using the update manager I
was told that all three upgrades were unauthenticated. Switching to a
terminal and using `apt-get` it was the same situation---the lists were
up-to-date but the three new packages were unauthenticated. Running
`apt-get update` will update the lists and the authentication

How do I get update notifier/manager to pull down the authentication
information as well?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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