Ubuntu as print server

Niki Kovacs contact at kikinovak.net
Wed Oct 19 06:46:16 UTC 2005

Le lundi 17 octobre 2005 à 00:03 +0200, Chosechu a écrit :
> I used Debian
> a lot and dist-upgrading regularly broke my CUPS settings, to a point
> where printing had just become a recurrent half-day task I had to plan
> in advance if I needed some things printed out on schedule. 

I've been using Debian too, back in the time when Woody was testing.
Same PITA, so I got the lesson: NEVER dist-upgrade. Never ever. (No
flame intended...). Same with Ubuntu, apt-get upgrade is the only thing
I do. If I feel the need for new things, I'll setup a fresh install.
Since all my important files are on a spare archive partition (mounted
on /home/user/archive), it's fast to get them back.

My actual printer server runs Hoary, and it only gets security updates.
No matter how much I fiddle and twead, this one machine is _always_

As for the rest of your statement: I know OS X very well, too, and I
sort of like it. Maybe it's just a question of habit, but I always found
OS X network configuration a much harder task than editing my settings
in /etc/younameit by hand. But then, I'm not an anti-GUI militant (I
hate that sort of people), I'm just like you: I like things to work.
Maybe not out-of-the-box, but then, Ubuntu is as close as you can get.
No root user? visudo, groupadd admin, vi /etc/group, there you go:oD


Niki Kovacs

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