Breezy upgrade question

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Tue Oct 18 16:18:07 UTC 2005

On 18/10/05, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> I have other issues for them, but _this_ dispute is with those, like you,
> who insist that Ubuntu without the "standard" ubuntu packages is not
> Ubuntu.

OK, OK, I give. I'm wrong. You're right. People can certainly upgrade
without having the standard packages installed. I just think it's
easier if they do, but that's just my opinion.

I've done it without having ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-base installed,
but I've then had to sort out issues (with the kernel, gam, hal, fam,
or whatever) in the Warty-Hoary-Breezy cycle. The process of sorting
that out after the fact seems harder to me, especially on newbies,
than a few apt-get removes and installs.

But that's just me. I admit defeat.


> --
> derek
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