Breezy upgrade question

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Tue Oct 18 08:47:44 UTC 2005

On 17/10/05, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> Eamonn Sullivan wrote:
> > You have a working Derek system. It's probably great, and it works for
> > you. Wonderful. But what the developers of breezy slaved over for six
> > months used OpenOffice and postfix.
> You keep saying that.  I use OO.

Apologies. The original question that started this thread was on why
the upgrade was trying to remove Abiword. It wasn't you, it was
someone else.

> Are you part of the Ubuntu development team?  If so, I guess it's time to
> say goodbye.  This is the second time I've been told to shut up because I'm
> not using Ubuntu the way it was intended, despite the fact that I've only
> ever removed packages that are designated as removable.

No, I'm not a developer, and I never told you to shut up. Let's please
keep this civil. I know it's frustrating. I've been there, honestly,
many times in 11-12 years I've been running Linux.

I really, really don't mind at all that you think the upgrade process
is broken. Please continue using Ubuntu any way you like. I stepped
into this discussion just to try and help, because I've done the
dist-upgrade thing from Warty to Hoary and now Hoary to Breezy. That's
all. Please take this dispute up with the developers.


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