
Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 17 15:18:57 UTC 2005

Am Montag, den 17.10.2005, 14:08 +0100 schrieb Tim Vaughan:
> I'm investigating setting up an IT lab at the rehab I work at in
> London.  Most of our network admin is done by Ubuntu already (only
> exception is the router, which runs FreeBSD) and I'd like to be able
> to show that Ubuntu is a viable option for this purpose.  I've
> contacted the people at tuxlab.co.za, asking for documentation on how
> they set up their tuxlabs but with no response so far.  Does anyone
> have links to information about this - either specifically on how the
> Tuxlabs are set up or more generally on using Ubuntu in an IT
> lab/educational context?
starting with the breezy release, tuxlabs will base their setups on
edubuntu. there is a so called tuxlabs cookbook with a lot of
information about the setups, we're currently working together on a
"edubuntified" version of this book since its vers k12ltsp centric as is
and gives much more information than needed for edubuntu.

you can find the work in progress page under:
(containing a link to the original source)

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