Xen support without reinventing the wheel

Al Gordon runlevel7 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 13:38:11 UTC 2005

On 10/17/05, ubuntu at bortal.de <ubuntu at bortal.de> wrote:
> Hello List!
> I am really intrested in ubuntu with Xen.
> The current stable release doesnt include Xen unfortunatelly.
> Is there a RC or Beta/Dev version which includes it already?!
> If not: Is there a roadmap somewhere to see where the development is going?
> What woud be the easiest/common way to get Xen into ubuntu?
> I am sure a lot of people have the same problem, and i dont want to
> reinvent the wheel, i would rather support and test it ;)
> Thanks, Mario

Official Xen support would be slick, especially in something like
Dapper Drake, which is supposed to more or less go head-to-head with
Windows Vista.


  -- AL --

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