Editing xorg.conf to support a Wacom tablet, and permissions

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 14:20:20 UTC 2005

On 16/10/05, Dave M G <martin at autotelic.com> wrote:
> > I would go back in this thread and actually *read* the link the
> > previous person gave you.
> Thank you for offering guidance. However, please do not assume that I
> did not read the document simply because I did not understand it in
> full.
> The use of "sudo" is different than the expectations I have developed by
> using Red Hat builds over the last couple of months, and so I will have
> to adjust my thinking to match the new circumstances. Please forgive me
> if my adjustment period is slower than you would like.

Sorry to sound curt. No offense intended. The whole sudo/su thing is a
recurring theme on this list. It's asked at least once a week. I'm not
sure what Ubuntu can do to help people more over this hump, but it's
one that seems to trip up anyone with Linux experience. To be fair,
sudo is the more modern approach, but it just hasn't been adopted
widely elsewhere.


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