advice on partitioning

Sam Tygier samtygier at
Thu Oct 13 20:21:03 UTC 2005

simplicity is a good thing.
i just use one patition for / and one for swap (about 1.5gb for your ram size).

i dont understand why you would want to back up just the base system. the base system can be easily restored by doing an install (installs are easy once you have done a few).
i only back up my /home/sam/ and my /etc (etc stores lots system wide configuration which i play with.) you may also want to back up /var if you keep anything in the (if you run a web server for example.)


AA wrote:
> Hello all, I would like to ask for some advice on how
> to partition my system.  I have a 30Gig HD that I want
> to dedicate soley to ubuntu, but I am unsure of what
> is the best way to set it up.  I know that if I let
> the ubuntu installer do what it wants to do, then I
> get a 1.3G swap and the rest is formatted ext3 mounted
> on /.  What I would like to do is have the swap and
> the root, but I want to know what else could/should
> get its own partition.  I was thinking about splitting
> the HD between swap, / and /home, but I am unsure of
> how much space to alot to each.  I am looking for a
> partition settup that allows me to have the basic
> system all in one place so that I can use something
> like ghost, (or dd, or G4L...havent decided yet), to
> make an image that I can easily restore later without
> losing all of my data.  I can successfully use Ghost
> 2003 on my linux partition, but it is so large that it
> is not I want to have a method of
> dealing with backing up just the base system
> partition, (I assume the base system will end up being
> everything besides /home?  what other partitions could
> be created to store parts of the system that would not
> need to be backed up in this way?).
> Also, is a 1.3 G swap partition large?  I have a
> 1.67GHz cpu and 1 G of Ram, so I dont know what would
> be standard.  
> And the last question, What do I need to do in order
> to make ubuntu use the whole gig of ram?  Currently it
> tells me that only 800 or mb will be used.
> Thanks in advance, 
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