Ubuntu in the OSDL Desktop linux survey

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Oct 13 15:38:27 UTC 2005

Morten W. J. wrote:

>> OK, on a more constructive course: do you have cookies enabled in
>> Konqueror?
> Cookies or not, nobody should care. It is easy to create server side
> systems that doesn't require cookies. In fact it is so easy that people
> who makes server side systems that rely on cookies shoule be executed at
> dawn ;-)

I agree.  In fact, I do _not_ accept cookies (usually).  However, it didn't
try to send me one, or I'd have got a notification.
> I know this doesn't help people who have problems with the current survey
> (which I haven't even looked at) but I just had to let it out: If you make
> a site that relies on cookies, it is even worse than designing a site for
> a specific browser or screen resolution.

It certainly means you're not running any of the typical CMS or portal
systems.  They all handle cookies, or the lack of them, transparently.

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