Network on new hoary install

Vram lamsokvr at
Thu Oct 13 05:17:57 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 00:53 -0400, 'Forum Post wrote:
> mlomker Wrote: 
> > If you're an old-hand at linux then I'd just start by editing the
> > /etc/network/interfaces file and do everything from the command-line. 
> > You can figure out the GUI problem(s) later.
> And what about us who are not "old hands"?  I am evaluating Ubuntu on
> it's premise that it is indeed "linux for human beings", and most
> humans don't get around BASH or command lines very easily.
> When I cannot log into system tools and make necessary adjustments and
> when my root password fails to get me where I need to go, unless I am a
> command line expert, this fails to meet the standard proposed above,
> doesn't it?  I certainly cannot pass this off to my Mother-in-law as a
> better OS - Windows makes her twitch as it is - she would have a worse
> time with ubuntu at this point (though it looks nice, to be sure).

It is the mindset of Ubuntu

root account is no enabled by default


sudo root passwd
It will ask for your <user> password

then give it the new password for root

confirm root passwd

NOW you have a root account and can su...

Be Happy


> I wasn't in the mood to flush ubuntu, but I might - If I wanted to
> spend the time touch-typing my way around, I'd just get regular
> Debian.
> There is definitely room for improvement, and I think it is worth the
> attempt.
> -- 
> mgould

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