Charles Malespin charles.malespin at
Wed Oct 12 16:07:44 UTC 2005

Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. Here is where I am at right now....
So I booted up with knoppix, and got into my computer. Mounted my drive,
have access to it etc. I ran a fsck test and started getting a bunch of
errors saying that inode ##### is bad, ignor error?
I say yes, then it asks me to repair? I say yes, and this goes on and on and
on. I lose patience and dont feel like clicking yes over and over. fsck -a
(automated to say yes to all) doesnt work either, prompts me and says that i
have to do it manually. So I dont want to run this without backing up my
data. Thats becoming a problem. I have an extra partition that is empty and
I just wanted to dump my /etc and /home on there. Well I needed to format
it, and both fdisk and qtparted crap out and dont let me do it. So I
basically need to get my data off so I can completely run fsck and not lost
anything. I have managed to get into windows now, but thats not much more
than I can do. I did a hard drive diagnostic test from Dell(comes when you
push F12) and it said that I failed that test. I dont know what it tests for
or what it means. So basically I am stuck and out of ideas. The weird thing
is, I was using a variant of knoppix yesterday and my drives were coming up
fine, but now with the real knoppix cd it cant find them. I am so
aggrevated, Im sure that I am leaving something out. Let me try and gather
more info and post back. Thanks again, any more ideas/questions would be
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