Question for those using an ATI AGP-(specifically the Radeon 9200)

Norman Silverstone norman at
Wed Oct 12 19:40:47 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 12:10 -0700, AA wrote:
> Can I ask what drivers you are using, how did you
> install and set it all up, and what does the
> configuration look like?  Also, I dont know if this
> makes a huge difference, but I am running an Athlon
> XP2000 @ 1.67GHz and 1 G of DDR Ram (PC2100).  I
> wonder what I need to do to get my card to run as well
> as your card is.
> Thanks

I am afraid you are asking questions that I am not competent to answer
without a lot of help. If you care to instruct me on how to find out the
configuration I will gladly do so and let you know the result. Apart
from that my hardware is nowhere near the standard of yours.


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