install ubuntu without CD-rom drive?

Hodgins Family ehodgins at
Tue Oct 11 20:01:26 UTC 2005

Good afternoon!

> The computer has Windows 2000 on it now, and has extra room on the
> hard drive. Can I copy the contents of the Ubuntu CD to it, and run
> the install from the hard drive? I can't find any success stories
> about that on Google. I think this is possible with Debian, so I'm
> hoping it's kept in Ubuntu.

Have a look at

What this author did was:
  1.. Boot from Debian Sarge install floppies

  2.. Get far enough to have network access

  3.. Use the Debian Sarge installer to partition the hard drive

  4.. Use debootstrap from Ubuntu to put Ubuntu there instead

  5.. Reboot, crossing some fingers.

Read the WHOLE page...there is a Q & A section about a third of the way in 
the throws off the flow of the page somewhat (at least it tossed me at 
first -- I'm not sure how many folks are contributing to this page: one, 
two, three?) The stuff relating to Ubuntu starts half way down the page 
under Getting Debootstrap.


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