OS X/Ubuntu/GnuLinux and cost

Serg Belokamen serg.belokamen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 23:40:38 UTC 2005

So from email reply below you could infact say that Windows would cost
you more then Linux (original post stated the exact reverse).

On 11/10/05, Michael R Head <burner at suppressingfire.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 16:26 +1000, Serg Belokamen wrote:
> > On an equal playing field you would spend the same ammount of time
> > helping others on any other operating system.  Hence either compare
> > apples to apples or dont compare at all.  You could just as well get a
> > free copy of Ubuntu and not tinker with anything.
> Actually, because the _process_ as well as the code is open, it's a lot
> easier to contribute. It would be very difficult (or expensive) to
> submit bug reports to the Microsoft developers behind the various parts
> of Windows (and Office), and have them resolved quickly or fixed in the
> released version within 6 months.
> Additionally, because opensource software is generally community-based,
> it's a lot easier to get hooked up with others that need help or have
> more experience. It's also easier to gain expertise from the developers
> by reading their posts and bug reports and wiki entries about
> implementation details that are generally not there for closed-source
> and closed-process software.
> mike
> --
> Michael R Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
> burner | suppressingfire | firestorm | phoenix | firefighter
> --
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