libofx and gnucash

Filipe Bonjour fbonjour at
Fri Oct 7 21:46:29 UTC 2005


>You probably shouldn't have forwarded this onto us, either, since it's
>generally Not Nice to send private emails to a list.  
Sorry, I may be a little thick, but if I did something wrong (or Wrong)
I'd like to understand. I originally sent the message to the list
because Breezy is still in pre-release and I thought I should report the
broken upgrade. I copied Thomas because I thought he was the package
maintainer for Ubuntu. (OK, bummer, but it was an honest mistake.)

Thomas himself has sent this to the list:

I have no idea.  Why are you sending me mail about Ubuntu?

So I felt I should apologize to the list too. I did of course apologize
privately and I did not quote to the list anything Thomas had not sent
there first...

Did I miss something?


Filipe Bonjour

      In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
      In practice there is. -- Yogi Berra

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