
Sean W nameneeded at
Fri Oct 7 18:47:40 UTC 2005

can you provide the output of the following commands:

cat /etc/network/interfaces

ifconfig eth0

That will help track down the problem



Bob Schmidt wrote:
> I did all of this, still no internet. Anyone have any other ideas?
> Thanks again,
> Bob
> On 10/7/05 12:15 PM, "Sean W" <nameneeded at> wrote:
>>Bob, you might want to take a look at the following file:
>>You should see something like this:
>># The primary network interface
>>auto eth0
>>iface eth0 inet dhcp
>>If you don't, change it to that.
>>Then restart networking
>>/etc/init.d/networking restart
>>That should set your eth0 to dhcp.
>>Bob Schmidt wrote:
>>>Well, I checked and it is set to DHCP. When I installed ubuntu it did the
>>>DHCP configuration and passed with no problems. I tried to set a static IP
>>>but that did not work either. Any other suggestions?
>>>Thanks for all the help,
>>>On 10/7/05 11:21 AM, "Samuel Toogood" <sam_toogood at> wrote:
>>>>Bob Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>Well here's what it says for eth0
>>>>>Link encap:etherenet  Hwaddr 00:00:86:52:36:99
>>>>>inet6addr: fe80:200:86ff:ffe52:3699/64 Scope:Link
>>>>>RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>>>TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>>>collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>>>>>Interrupt:3 Base Address:0x300
>>>>>It also has a lo areas as well
>>>>Looks like you haven't got an IP address set. If you go to the System
>>>>menu and select Administration -> Networking (might be slightly
>>>>different, as I'm running 5.04), and then click on Properties for eth0,
>>>>what do you get? Is your router acting as a dhcp server? If so, just set
>>>>the 'configuration' selector to dhcp and it should work. If not, do you
>>>>know what IP address you should be using.

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