shrinking backup files

Ivan Guadalupe Terán Quijada iteranq at
Tue Oct 4 20:58:40 UTC 2005


How can I add the date into the backup filename???


Ivan Teran

Charles Malespin wrote:

>>> tar czvf /path/to/file tar-archive.tar.gz 
>Tried this: 
>sudo tar cjvf /home/malespin/backup/home.tar tar-archive.tar.bz2
>and got:
>tar: tar-archive.tar.bz2: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
>tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
>for both of them.  
>>You may also want to avoid sticking everything in one big tarball. It 
>>takes a fair amount of processing time to compress / uncompress Gigs of 
>>data and there's also the risk that if the backup is dodgy, all the data 
>>is useless.
>How do you split up the /etc and /home files to make smaller ones?  I am
>willing to try anything, just need to get these files on a CD to have a
>back up.
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