boot into dos

Magnus Therning magnus at
Tue Oct 4 08:41:24 UTC 2005

On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 09:36:54PM +0200, john wrote:
>hi all!
>this is not a strictly ubuntu related topic, but I need to recover my 
>dvd-writer, and have been on this for a day now, without solution.
>so yesterday I wanted to burn a dvd on my acer tm4001 laptop and guess what! i 
>couldn't. cd s worked fine, but no dvd burning. ok so i thought it was time 
>to update my firmware, booted into freeboot dos cd and started updating, when 
>at the end of the firmware deletion procedure it just rebooted. my dvd just 
>doesn't respond now. I am left without a medium to boot dos from and I need 
>dos to update firmware. tough luck huh?
>so I have here many freedos installs and bootimages, but don't know how to do 
>it. i tried to just copy it to a partition on my harddisk, but it doesnt want 
>to be booted (by grub).
>if anyone can answer I would be thankfull

Beware, I don't really know what I'm talking about :-)

It might be worth trying to run FreeDOS in Bochs[1]. They seem to have
prepared FreeDOS images. If Bochs won't let you run your DVD-repair
utility it will hopefully allow you to install FreeDOS properly on your
free partition.

There are several documents that at least pretend to give instructions
on how to use GRUB to boot DOS. [2][3]



Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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