Installing from CD

voger vogernewsletters at
Sun Oct 2 23:51:06 UTC 2005

jacob king wrote:

> i cant't seem to figure out how to install software seeing how there 
> is no autoplay. how do i go about this? and i cant download any files 
> because im trying to install my cable modem's software and i cant!!!! 
> please help
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sudo apt-get install softwarename

if it's in the server it will be downloaded for you
if it's in the cd/dvd rom it will ask you to insert the right cd/dvd

if you have softwarename.deb somewhere in some directory
then you do

sudo dpkg -i softwarename.deb

if you have softwarename.rpm then

sudo alien softwarename.rpm
sudo dpkg -i softwarename.deb

and finaly if you  have a softwarename.tar.gz or tar.bz2 or tar or 
whatever compresed arhive, you
read the instructions that are provided by the creator.
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