How to create a terabyte storage array?

Anders Karlsson trudheim at
Wed Nov 30 22:10:29 UTC 2005

On 11/30/05, neil woolford <lists at> wrote:

[snip: documenting progress & pitfalls]

> Please do!  Maybe put something up on the Ubuntu Wiki as well?  I'm
> looking to do something like this for work, before I drown in a heap of
> backup CDs.  (Digital imaging - I've just bought a Canon 5D, so image
> file sizes have doubled again!)
> Neil
> PS  I know I'll still need to backup and archive even with a
> fault-tolerant server, but the chances of me loosing work in progress
> should reduce if I have one.

If you are looking for something fault tolerant, there is code in the
MD section of the kernel for RAID-6 (uses two parity discs) so you can
lose two discs from your array and it still works. Not sure of how far
they have got with it, but if you really want fault tolerance, look at
that... Or RAID-10.. (Not the RAID 0+1 crap, that is for numpties, you
want proper RAID-10.) Drawback with RAID-10 is that you need exatly
twice as many discs as your storage requirement are.

Anders Karlsson <trudheim at>

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