Installing vmware problem

vogernewsletters vogernewsletters at
Wed Nov 30 22:07:35 UTC 2005

piltdown wrote:

>Having trouble installing vmware. I have downloaed the source for my kernel
>and it has been placed in /usr/src/linux-2.6.12-oci6.mdk. But when I try to
>configure vmware the following message appears:
>"The path "/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-oci6.mdk" is an existing directory, but it
>does not contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as
>I have managed top install vmware OK on other flavours of Linux (Ubuntu and
>Slackware) but seem to be getting stuck.
>Any ideas. Thanks.

I think packages that end with mdk are Mandrake packages. I don't know 
if there is  any problem to use Mandrake
packages to Ubuntu but better keep it simple and use Ubuntu packages.

You need to download linux header package for your processor. Do sudo 
apt-get install linux-headers and apt will tell you what package need
to install. After you download and install that package, when  vmware  
prompts you  for linux headers folder you  should point to
/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-10-(processor type)/
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