Installing vmware problem

leon sdl.web at
Wed Nov 30 21:08:44 UTC 2005

Maybe mdk has a linux-header package you need to install. I'm not sure.

piltdown <piltdownster at> writes:

 | Having trouble installing vmware. I have downloaed the source for my kernel
 | and it has been placed in /usr/src/linux-2.6.12-oci6.mdk. But when I try to
 | configure vmware the following message appears:
 | "The path "/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-oci6.mdk" is an existing directory, but it
 | does not contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as
 | expected."
 | I have managed top install vmware OK on other flavours of Linux (Ubuntu and
 | Slackware) but seem to be getting stuck.
 | Any ideas. Thanks.

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.   /'.'\   and the hardest things to sell    .
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.                                             .
.Leon                                         .

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