Laser Printers suggestions? HP 2550 looks good, others?

Walter Tautz wtautz at
Tue Nov 29 22:16:48 UTC 2005

Ideally I would like a printer that can do auto-duplexing.
I print mostly black and white but since colour printers
are relatively cheap (I bet the toner cartriges are not
cheap ;-)) I thought it would be interesting to consider
them also.

Samsung seems to make laser printers that have auto-duplexing
at reasonable prices.

The HP 2550 according to is fully supported
but doesn't have auto-duplexing. What are people's experiences.

Am I correct in thinking that native postscript printers
work under linux? I gather that finer control of the features
of the printer may, however, not be accessible?

I'd appreciate some suggestions of what people use.

Strictly for home use.

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