banshee é esd

alain.muls at alain.muls at
Mon Nov 28 07:05:09 UTC 2005


The solution is suite simple. Run gstreamer-properties and change its sound input/output (?) source to esd.


On Sun, 2005-11-27 at 13:30 +0100, ubuntu-users-request at wrote:
> Hi
> > 
> > I installed banshee and tried to play music. It did not work.
> > Then I recalled I had to kill esd for gstreamer to play music. So I did 
> > the same and now banshee works.
> > For music I used beep-media-player which did not have this problem.
> > How can I avoid having to kill esd (and so loosing sound alerts, eg. 
> > windows popping up,...)?
> > 
> > Tx
> There are several alternatives to get sound in Linux. First there was 
> OSS, then ALSA. Ubuntu uses ESD to overcome some shortcomings of ALSA. 
> Each of these systems are mutually exclusive( well kind of; some guru 
> out there pls enlighten us ;-) ). So you can use one or the other.
> I looked in synaptic and banshee depends on gstreamer. So that explains 
> why you had to kill esd for banshee to work, as you did when playing 
> music using gstreamer. You might try installing the esd plugin for 
> gstreamer. The one I am using is called 'gstreamer0.8-esd'.
> After you install it, the esd output should be used by default. If it 
> didn't may be you can look in setting for banshee that lets you pick ESD 
> sink as the ouput source. If none of this worked, then someone else in 
> this list might be able to help :D
> Best regards,

Alain Muls                                                                                           Royal Military Academy
+32.2.737.6340 (Srt 6341)                                                                Renaissance Avenue 30
alain.muls at                                                                       B1000 Brussels (Belgium)

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