Breezy installation: can't find partition on SCSI RAID1 Array

Jonathan Carter jonathan at
Sun Nov 27 06:53:54 UTC 2005

Hi there

I just installed Ubuntu 5.10 on a big server, the live CD detected and
mounted the volume fine, so did the install CD. But once I've rebooted
the first time, I get dropped into busybox since /dev/rc/c0d0p3 could
not be found.

Attached is what I found when running lsmod from the live CD. It's an
Adaptec AIC-7899 controller, and It seems to use the aic7xxx module,
even though I can't find the partitions even when I modprobe aic7xxx in
busybox. FWIW, it's a Dell PowerEdge 4400 server.

Any help would be appreciated, I need to get this server up by tomorrow
morning and I only want to compile a new kernel as last resort (for
maintenance reasons).

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