Breezy upgrade -> firefox uses all cpu

ulrich steffens ulrich at
Fri Nov 25 13:16:30 UTC 2005

Am Donnerstag, den 24.11.2005, 17:34 +0100 schrieb Florence Berbain:
> Hi all,
> A few days ago I upgraded a spare computer from Hoary to Breezy. The 
> upgrade seemed to go ok, however the machine is now very sluggish. The 
> problem seems to come from Firefox: whenever I launch Firefox, top 
> reports it's eating up 90% CPU or more (this happens as soon as Firefox 
> is started, and not after several hours/days of use as I've seen people 
> report in other threads). It uses 7% of the memory.
> Otherwise, the machine behaves normally (that is, as I remember it did 
> under Hoary, even though I haven't used it since last June. But I'm 
> certain I was able then to run Firefox, Thunderbird, and emacs at the 
> same time with no problems at all). The machine is a P3 550 Mhz with 
> 784M RAM, shouldn't that be plenty enough for Breezy (with Gnome)?
> I uninstalled and reinstalled firefox in synaptic, with no result.
> BTW do I need the packages firefox-gnome-support (I am using Gnome) and 
> mozilla-firefox?
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Florence
have you tried deleting '~/.mozilla/firefox'?
it looks like there's some extension or whatever thats causing this.

ulrich steffens
ulrich at

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