gedit's default save option

Olafur Arason olafra at
Thu Nov 24 00:18:15 UTC 2005

This is a bit of a hack but unicode seems to hardcoded so this should work:
touch /tmp/untitled;gedit --encoding="ISO-8859-1" /tmp/untitled
you can replace Exec=gedit %U with it in
/usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop But if you need to use the icon
to drag documents into then
I can help you but I don't what to be mocking around with
testing if statements if I don't need to.

Olafur Arason

2005/11/22, Kush Singh <be_a_sport at>:
> Hi all,
> How does one save a new document in iso-8859-1 encoding (instead of
> utf-8)  by default? At present i have  tried the following
> 1 trying to change the settings from gconf via Applications-->System
> Tools-->configuration editor-->apps-->gedit-2
> but that has not helped me or maybe i don't know the exact way.
> 2 A search on did not yield any results.
> 3 i tried to get an answer from but the people there
> were not responding, nor was there any traffic. It looked like a dead
> channel unlike #ubuntu
> Thanks for any help.
> Kussh
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