CUPS Print Control

Brant Fitzsimmons brant at
Wed Nov 23 18:17:04 UTC 2005

Tommy Trussell wrote:

> On 11/22/05, *Ashwani Jain* <ashwani at
> <mailto:ashwani at>> wrote:
>         I am trying to setup a print server in linux Ubuntu 5.10 which
>     can do print accounting, i.e do page count for each job thats
>     printed on each locally attached printer, log the IP / hostname
>     who sent the print job etc.
>     Please help.  I want to know how to do it using CUPS.  I could not
>     find any good documentation where I could find the solution and
>     probably thats the week point of Linux that documentations are not
>     centralised.  Any way please help if you know about it.  Just give
>     me some good link which can solve the problem
> In this case the weak point isn't with the documentation -- CUPS is
> VERY extensively documented, both with files installed on your system
> and at BUT the implementation information is
> lacking -- I suspect that's the primary way the CUPS folks earn their
> consulting fees.
> I believe there are some helpful books on the subject -- check the
> O'Reilly web site -- I see from a few searches
> they have some free articles available too.

Is there any way to configure print sharing using a GUI in Ubuntu?  The
printer GUI allows you to set up a printer, but I couldn't find anything
on sharing.

Brant Fitzsimmons
brant at
"Strange times are these in which we live when the old and the
young are taught falsehoods in the schools of learning. And the one
man that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and
a fool."

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