Read-only access on mp3 player, how to fix? Addenum

David Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Mon Nov 21 17:57:22 UTC 2005

John DeCarlo wrote:
> On 11/21/05, *Anthony Dean* <adean75 at 
> <mailto:adean75 at>> wrote:
>     I'm having trouble getting a Sandisk Sansa mp3 player (the e240 model)
>     to work with Ubuntu (Breezy). At first, it let me copy files to and from
>     it (upon plugging it in via the USB port... it's supposed to work as a
>     removable USB drive), but then it suddenly wouldn't let me delete or
>     copy files to or from the player, giving me "read only disk" error
>     messages. 
>     /dev/sda1 on /media/sandisk type vfat
>     (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,user=<myusername>)
> Have you tried copying or deleting using sudo?  (sudo rm 
> /media/sandisk/song.mp3)
> It seems like your fstab entry is correct, based on the above report 
> from mount. 
> You can also use fsck.vfat to see if the file system is messed up.

	I had a slightly similar problem once...
	I was getting the same thing, when I was trying to write mp3 files (in 
WinXP) to the SD card from my Treo 600. Turns out, when I had taken the 
card out of the Treo, I was playing an mp3, and only hit Pause. When I 
put the card back in, it played okay, but this time I hit Stop first, 
then took the card out. Worked fine after that. Seems like Pocket Tunes 
locks the audio folder while it's playing...
	Give that idea a try...

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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