scan to pdf

Jean-Eric Cuendet jec at
Wed Nov 16 10:50:49 UTC 2005

>>>I have xsane working fine, but it only gives options to save to
>>>tiff, jpeg, and ps etc.  I mostly scan to pdf format these days.  I
>>>ended up having to use gimp on a windows machine to print a jpeg
>>>image to a pdf creater print driver.
>>You could do the same with Linux. Open the image file in pdf and print 
>>to file ''. Then, run 'ps2pdf output.pdf'. I tested 
>>it and it works. Few problems though, ps2pdf assumes that ps is meant 
>>for standard paper size. So in the converted pdf file you get margins. 
>>This is not the case in the original ps file though.
> There's a perl script pdfcrop on CTAN[1] that can help you with this
> (at least an option for those that already have installed teTeX ...).

It's also possible and working well to add a PDF printer to CUPS:

Did it here at Office and working OK.

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