
Gary Hodges fsunoles at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 18:15:15 UTC 2005

On 11/15/05, Christoph Bier <christoph.bier at web.de> wrote:
> Gary Hodges schrieb am 15.11.2005 00:56:
> > On 11/14/05, Christoph Bier <christoph.bier at web.de> wrote:
> [...]
> >>It may be a Xorg thing. I have similar problems with gqview and
> >>gthumb that did not occur with Debian Sarge on the same hardware and
> >>I am preparing an email to this list (because of lack of time it's
> >>unfinished for weeks ...). So, I'm just curious about answers to
> >>your email. But IMHO buying new hardware should not be the solution.
> >
> > I don't disagree with your last statement either, but if it is a
> > solution I will consider it.  I'm paging through postscript files that
> > are often greater than 600 pages.  If I can spend a couple hundred
> > bucks to speed this up I'm willing. [...]
> I understand this, too. But my laptop is affected by this slow down
> (on my triple boot desktop I'm still using Sarge because of other
> performance issues) and so I can not just change the video card. And
> to be honest: before spending money for new hardware I would
> consider changing the software. Therefore I want to investigate
> further on my speed problem (maybe it's not Xorg but KDE or GNOME ...?).
> Can you provide a copy of such a postscript file for testing on
> different hardware and platforms? And which hardware do you use?

My machine is a single Athlon XP 2600+ w/512MB Matrox 450 and Kubuntu
5.10.  I just tried the same thing on the following machines:

Opteron 244 SMP w/4GB Matrox 400 Sarge 64 install
Athlon MP 2000+ SMP w/2GB Matrox 550 Sarge install

Mine and the Athlon render the pages the same.  The Opteron machine is
at least twice as fast.  Still not as fast as what I _remember_ with
SuSE 9.0 on my machine.  My recollection is each page in the ps doc
was instantly available with each strike of the <ENTER> or <BACKSPACE>
keys.  Even on the Opteron machine I can watch my plots appear in
chunks.  So IF (Big IF) my memory is correct, it must not be an Xorg
vs XFree86 thing.

I'll email you directly with a ftp site you can download the
postscript file from if you are interested.

Oh, it was suggested on my lug to try a different paper size and that
worked.  If I use the --media=letter option I see my titles.


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