installing lukutoukka

Brant Fitzsimmons brant at
Mon Nov 14 17:34:12 UTC 2005

Sarangan Thuraisingham wrote:

> Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
>> john levin wrote:
>>> Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> Does anyone know how to install lukutoukka?  I'm having trouble
>>>> getting
>>>> all of the dependencies correct.
>>> What version of Ubuntu? Where did you get the package? Can you send
>>> some error messages? More info means more help.
>>> John
>> I'm currently using Breezy.
>> Below is the error message I'm getting.
>>     ...
>>     checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
>>     checking for g-wrap-2.0-guile = 1.9.3... Requested 'g-wrap-2.0-guile
>>     = 1.9.3' but version of G-Wrap is 1.9.6
>>     configure: error: Library requirements (g-wrap-2.0-guile = 1.9.3)
>>     not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
>>     if your libraries are ina nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find
>>     them.
>> Where do I go to change that variable, and will it mess other things up
>> if I change it?
> Where did you get this package from? It is not in the standard Breezy
> source list is it? Since, the version of the g-wrap-2.0-guile library
> you have installed is newer than the version that the packages
> require, is it not feasible to update the package to use the latest
> libraries? I am not sure about this, somone please clarify.

I knew I was forgetting something in my last email.  I got the package

I found out about it from the September issue of Linux Journal.

I may try uninstalling the Ubuntu provided g-wrap and replacing it with
the g-wrap linked to the version og guile-gnome the creator is using. 
g-wrap is a dependency of guile-gnome which is linked to on the page above.

Brant Fitzsimmons
brant at
"Strange times are these in which we live when the old and the
young are taught falsehoods in the schools of learning. And the one
man that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and
a fool."

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