MPlayer being Choppy

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Mon Nov 14 17:22:12 UTC 2005

On Monday 14 November 2005 13:26, Wade Smart wrote:
> 11142005 0726 GMT-5
> Ok. Mine is still very choppy.

This could be for any number of reasons.  If you can work through some 
questions, we can probably narrow this down for you...

What is the site you're trying to play from?

What is the actual media file/page you're trying to play?

What speed is your internet connection?

Are you connecting to the net via a wireless router?

How fast is your processor?

What video card and sound card are you using?

Do you know how to download the stream to your machine?  If so, can you play 
it back locally with more success?  If you do downloa dit, and play it from 
terminal, does mplayer report any errors or warnings?

Have you tried using xine to open the url or the downloaded file?  Can you run 
xine-check for us, and see if it reports any problems?  (I think it always 
reports missing plugins etc. on debian-based systems; just ignore that :)

Lee Braiden

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